How do I activate a SMART Response VE
SeeAc tivating SMARTResponsesoftw are in the SMART Response 2011interactive response
system user’s guide (smarttech.com/kb/170000).
Why didn’t my SMART Response software
activate when I connected the receiver?
Beforeyou connect your SMARTResponsereceiver to your computer, ensurethat the hardwareand
softwares ervices arerunning. If the services are running,your computer detects your SMART
Responsereceiver when you connect the receiverto the computer. If the services aren’t runningor
thereceiver’s device drivers aren’t installed,y ou’reunable to automatically activate
Why does a trial window appear after I enter my
SMART Notebook software product key?
Thetrial window displays trial informationfor SMARTNotebooks oftware, SMAR TNotebook
MathToolssoftware and SMART Mixed Reality Tools. SMARTNotebook MathToolssoftw areand
MixedR eality Tools areadd-ons for SMARTNotebooksoftw are,and each requiresits own product
key. SMARTNotebooks oftware works as expected wheny ouacti vate it but you’re unableto use
SMARTNotebookMathTools software until you activate it. If you don’t activate it,
SMARTNotebookMathTools software continuesto display t hetrial wi ndowuntil the trial period
expiresor the trial window is disabled.
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