lUse the commandline to deploy the installation andproperties, andt henprovide the correct
PropertyID for the productkeys you have.
Formore information,s eet heEducation Software Installer 2011s ystem administrator’sguide for
Windows operatingsystems (smarttech.com/kb/160531)or the EducationSoft wareI nstaller2011
system administrator’sguide for Mac OS X operatingsystem software (smarttech.com/kb/160530).
gTo push multiple productkeys during installationon a Mac computer
lUse SMART Install Managert o generatea new metapackage(.mpkg) installer that contains
theproduct keys.
lRuna s cript to runt heAc tivation Wizard in silent mode. With this method, you can activate
bothSMARTNotebook software and SMARTResponsesoftw areproduct keys in a single
command.You requirea separate commandinstaller containing the productkey t o activate a
SMARTSync Teachersoftware product key.
Should I activate my software before or afterimaging?If you use the imagef orbackup, you need to activate your software beforeimaging. You can then use
theimage to restore the software on the same computer.If you use the imagef ormass deployment,
youneed to activate the SMARTNotebook software beforeimaging and activate the othersoft ware
Formore information,s eet heEducation Software Installer 2011Sy stem administrator’sguide for
Windows operatingsystems (smarttech.com/kb/160531)or the EducationSoft wareI nstaller2011
System administrator’sguide for Mac OS X operatings ystem software (smarttech.com/kb/160530).
How do I deploy a product key when I installsoftware on Windows computers?gTo deploy a productkey to a Windows computer
1. Start SMART Install Manager,and then enterthe product keys for the software that you want
to activate.
CH A P T E R 3
Deployingsoftware p roduct keys to more th an one computer