Wheredo I get a product key for my soft ware? 3
How do I find the activation status of my SMART software? 4
How can I find my product key if I lose it? 6
CanI recover my productkey if I delete it? 6
Whendo I reach my activ ationlimit? 6
If I removeand theninstall my softw are,do I lose my activation?Does installing the softwareagain
countas anotheractivation? 6
What’s the differencebetween a product key, an installation ID and anact ivation key? 7
If I remove andt heninstall my software on the same computer,do I need to activate it again? 7
CanI transfer my license from one personor computert o another? 7
CanI de-activate a license? 8
Does usingt hes oftwarein Ev aluationmode consumea l icense? 8
How do I use the different componentsof SMARTClassroomSuite interactivelearning software? 8
Where do I get a product key for my software?
If you purchaseand register eligibleSMART hardware productsyou receive the accompanying
softwaref orf ree.Go to s marttech.com/registrationto registery ourSMART productand receive your
softwareproduct key.
SMART product Accompanyingsoftware
SMARTBoard™interactive whiteboard SMARTNotebook™collaborativelearning
SMARTBoardinteractive display SMARTNotebooksoftware
SMARTPodium™interactive pendisplay SMARTNotebooksoftware
SMARTResponse™interactive responsesy stem SMARTResponsesoftware
SMARTDocumentCamera™ SMARTNotebook software andMix ed
Reality Tools
SMARTTable™interactive learningcenter SMARTNotebooksoftware and
SMARTSync™ classroommanagement
Chapter 2