2. Pushout t heSMAR T EducationSoft ware2011.msi with the generated.ms t file to install and
activate the products.
Use the commandline propertiespushed out with the SMART Education Software 2011.msi project
andprovide the productkey t o activate the software duringthe installation.
Product PropertyID =[ProductKey]
SMART Notebooks oftware NB_PROD_KEY=[Notebook ProductKey]
SMART Response software RESP_PROD_KEY=[R esponseProduct Key]
SMART Sync Teacher software SYNC_PROD_KEY=[Sy nc Product Key]
After you completethe installation, read the next questionfor details on deployingonly a product key
to multiplenetwork computers.
How do I deploy only a product key after I installsoftware on multiple network computers?
Todeploy a product key to network computers after you install the software, create andpush a script
orbatch file t hatt riggersthe following commandl ine:
c:\Program Files\Common Files\SMART Technologies\SMART Product
Update\activationwizard.exe" --puid [product ID] --m=[Value] --v=1 --a
[Optional flags] --pk [Product key]
Formore information,s eeC hapter3 of the Education Software Installer 2011sys tem administrator’s
guidefor Windows operatingsy stems (smarttech.com/kb/160531)or the Education Software
Installer2011 system administrator’s guidefor Mac OS X operatingsyst ems oftware
How do I mix and match my product keys?
gTo mix and match productkeys during deployment
SeeD eployingsoftware product keys to more than onecomputer on page 9.
CH A P T E R 3
Deployingsoftware p roduct keys to more th an one computer