gTo mix and match productkeys after installationof the ESI
Seethe Education Software Installer 2011Sy stem administrator’sguide for Windows operating
systems (smarttech.com/kb/160531)or the EducationSoftware Installer 2011 System
administrator’sguide forMac OS X operatingsy stem software (smarttech.com/kb/160530).
gTo mix and match productkeys after installationof a SMAR Tsoftware product
Start yourSMAR T software, and thenselect Help > Check for updates and activation.
SPU starts and you can use the Activatebutton correspondingto each software to enterproduct
Can I find out how many activations I’ve used?
You’reunablet o track how many activations you’ve used. When you reachyour activation limit, y ou
receivea message saying that you’ve exceededt heactiv ationlimit for your productkey. You can
purchaseadditionallicenses t hroughyour authorizedSMART reseller (smarttech.com/where).
If you think you received this message in error,contact SMART s upportand have yourproduct key
How do I push out a hardware activated
SMARTResponse software key?
Topush out activation for SMARTResponse, activate SMARTResponse software on onec omputer,
andthen export the activation informationto be pushed out with the software. End users won’t have
to activate SMART Response software on their computers.
Formore information,s eeSMAR TResponseIsn’t A ctivated after anA dministrativeI nstallation
Can I use the activation key from a manual
activation on multiple computers?
You’reunablet o use theact ivation key from a manualactivation to activ ate the software onmultiple
computers.When you perform a manualactivation, you need to providea product key as well as a
uniqueinstallation ID, and then use the combinationof the product key and uniqueinstallation ID to
CH A P T E R 3
Deployingsoftware p roduct keys to more th an one computer