2. E-mail
Generateane-mail message. You will receive an e-mail replycontaining your activation string.
Youw on’treceive an immediate responseas e-mails are processedmanually.
3. Contact SMART Technical Support
Contact SMART Technical Supportand give them your activation strings to receive your
activation key over the phone.
If you want to activate multiple product keys, you need to providean Installation ID s tringfor each
productkey. You’ll receive anactivation key for eachproduct key. If you activate the softwareon
multiplecomputers, each computerhas a unique Installation ID for each productk ey andrequires
anactiv ationk ey for eachinst allationID.
Why isn’t my software activating?Yourequire anI nternetconnection to automatically activate your software andacc ess the SMART
server(https://w ebservices.smarttech.com). Ensuret hat you’reconnected to the Internet andthat
yourfirewall and proxy settings allow you to access the SMARTserver.
Why is my product key invalid?Thereare severalreason why your product key might be invalid:
lYouentered an incorrectproduct key. Check t hes pellingof the product key or copy and paste
thek ey.
lYoudidn’t activate t hecorrect SMART software. Ensure that you’reactiv atingt hecorrect
SMART software.
lTheproduct key identifier (prefix)is incorrect. For a list of these identifiers, see Entitlements on
lYourSMARTResponse software is in the incorrect mode. When you activate
SMARTResponsesoftware, ensure the software is in the correct mode.
lYourinstallation might be corrupted.Remove and then install your SMART software.
CH A P T E R 5