Is a product key licensed to a computer or a
SMARTsoftwareproduct keys are licensed to a computer. Wheny ouenter a SMART s oftware
productkey and activate the softw are,you node-lock the license to the computerthat y ouinstalled
thes oftwareon and anyonec anuse it . If you want to acti vate the software ona s econdcomputer,
youneed a second license.
Productkeys typically support multiple licenses.
How many times can I activate my
Every SMART software product key comes with a set quantity of lic enses. Each time you activate a
productkey on a different computer, you consumea license. If you re-activate a productkey on the
samec omputer,you don’t consume anadditional license. When you consumeevery lic ense,y ou
receivea message saying that you’ve exceededt hemaximum activation limit for your productkey.
Thereisn’t a way t o determinehow many unconsumedlicenses remain. SMART encouragessys tem
administratorsto track licenses and the computers that use them. You can purchaseadditional
licenses throughyour authorizedSMART reseller (smarttech.com/where).
Why doesn’t SMARTNotebook MathTools
software work when I enter my SMARTNotebook
MathTools software product key?
SMARTNotebookMathTools software is an add-onproduct forSMA RTNotebooksoftware.
SMARTNotebookMathTools software requiresits own product key (prefix NM-) for activation.
SMARTNotebooksoftware requiresit s own product key (prefix NB-) for activation. To activate both
SMARTNotebooksoftware and SMARTNotebookMathTools software, you need to enterand
activate bothproduct keys. To activate only SMARTNotebook software, you needto activ ate only
its productkey.
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