What happens if I expand my purchase from
SMART Notebook software to
SMARTClassroomSuite software?
Whenyou purchase SMARTClassroomSuitesoftware, you receive a new product key that
activates every componentof the suite. You can use it on a computerwhere you’ve alreadyactiv ated
SMARTNotebooksoftware but you’re unableto return the SMARTNotebooksoftw areproduct key.
Why does the Activating... bubble appear in the
system tray?
TheAct ivating... bubbleappears when yoursoft waredoesn’t activate s uccessfully. You have a 90-
daygrace periodw hiley oursy stem periodicallyattempts t o activate the software. The bubblestops
appearingonce the activation succeeds. To check the activation status of your SMART s oftware,
start SPU. Contact SMART Support (smarttech.com/contactsupport)if the bubble appearsevery
Why does the activation status of my
SMARTsoftware say it expires 90 days after
Iactivate it?
This happenswith certain product keys when the software doesn’t activate successfully during the
90-daytrial. Try activating the softw areagain eitherautomatically or manually. For moreinformation,
seeH ow do I activate my SMART software using the Activation Wizard? on page23.
How do I activate SMART Response software?
SeeAc tivating SMARTResponsesoftw are in the SMART Response 2011Interactive Response
system user’s guide (smarttech.com/kb/170000).
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