youremove and then install the software, you restorethe license wit houtconsuming an additional
Eachproduct key contains a quantity of lic ensesincluding an allowance forreasonable hardware
upgrades andreplacement. If you think the number of activations for your productkey exc eedsthe
maximumdue to anunusual numberof hardwarereplacementsrather thanoveruse of theli cense,
contact yourauthorizedSMART reseller( orass istance.
Can I de-activate a license?
You’reunablet o de-activatea license. However, if you re-purposea computer,y ouc anre-format the
harddrive andremove the license from the computer.
Does using the software in Evaluation mode
consume a license?
No. You can try your SMART software for 30 days beforeyou activ ateit . When you activate the
software, you consumea license. I f you needto t ry the software for morethan 30 days, you can
requestan extendedtrial lic ensethrough yourauthorized SMART reseller (
How do I use the different components of
SMARTClassroomSuite interactive learning
Whenyou install t heEducation Software Installer 2011, you cant ry differentc omponentsof
SMARTClassroomSuitesoftware for 30 days beforeyou activate t hemwit h anappropriateproduct
Whenyou purchase SMARTClassroomSuitesoftware, you can use a single product key to activate
all of the productsin the softw areor you can purchase a productkey f oran individual productsuch as
SMARTNotebooksoftware. SMARTClassroomSuite software integratesSMARTNotebook
software, SMARTSync Teachersoftware, SMARTResponsesoftw are,SMARTNotebookSE
softwareand SMARTSync St udentsoftw are.It also includes SMARTProductDrivers.
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