Youdon’t need a productkey to activate SMART R esponsesoftw areif you have a SMART
ResponsePE, LE or XE interactive responses ystem. Simply connect your SMART Response
softwarereceiver to activate y oursoftw arewhile the softw areis in PE, LE or XE mode.
Youcan purchase otherSMAR T software productsand receive product keys for them. Go to
smarttech.com/softwaref ormore details.
How do I find the activation status of my SMARTsoftware?Youcan see the activation st atus andapplicable expiry dates of all your installedSMAR T software in
SMARTProductUpdate (SPU). Products with Installed status don’t requireactivation. C lick Tools
andthen View Product K eysin SPU.
gTo startSPU on a Windows computer
Start>All Programs > SMART Technologies > SMART Tools > SMARTProduct Update
gTo open SPU on a Maccomputer
Applications > SMARTTechnologies> SMAR TTools> SMAR TProductUpdate
gTo startSPU from SMAR Tsoftware
Help >Check for Updatesand Activation
If you don’t haveS PU installed, find the activation status of your software throughthe Ac tivation
gTo run theA ctivation Wizard on a Windows computer
1. If you have a 32-bitsy stem, run the followingcommand using the commandline interface:
c:\Program Files\Common Files\SMART Technologies\SMART Product
Update\activationwizard.exe --m 10 --v 1 --puid education_bundle
If you have a 64-bitsy stem, run the followingcommand using the commandline interface:
CH A P T E R 2