Setting Use Notes
Language Selectsl anguagepreference. Projectormenu supportis available in
English(default), BrazilianPortuguese,
Czech, Danish,D utch,Finnish,
French,German,Greek, Iberian
Portuguese,Italian, Korean,Japanese,
Norwegian,Polish, Russian, Simplified
Chinese,Spanish, Swedish and
LampHours Displays the currentnumberof lamp
usagehours from0 to 4000hours from
whenit was lastreset.
Always reset LampHours after you
replacea lamp becauselamp service
remindersarebased on the current
hoursof use. See Resetting the lamp
timeron page 33for details on the lamp
hourreset procedure.
Input Displays the currentinput source
HDMI orNone).
Resolution Displays the projector’scurrent display
FirmwareVersion Displays the projector’sfirmware
versionin x.x. x.x format.
MPU Version Displays the projector
microprocessor’sfirmwarev ersionin
x.x.x.x format.
NetworkVersion Displays the projector’snetwork card
firmwareversion in x.x.x.x format.
ModelNumber Displays theprojector’s modelnumber.
SerialNumber Displays t heprojector’s serial number.
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactivew hiteboard system