No. Connector Connectto:
1 Power Powersupply
2 4-pinpowermini-DIN 5V/2Aoutput [Not used]
3 7-pinmini-DIN [Not used]
4 DB9R S-232F Roomcontrol
5 DB15FRGB v ideoinput (VGA 1) Primarycomputer (notincluded)
6 DB15FRGB v ideoinput (VGA 2) Secondarycomputer(not included)
7 3.5mm phone jack audioinput (×2) Y cable
8 DB15FRGB v ideooutput (VGA Out) Secondarydisplay (notincluded)
9 3.5mm phone jack audiooutput Speakers(not included)
10 RCA composite videoinput
(andleft and rightR CA audioi nput)
Videosource (not included)throughRCA
11 4-pinmini-DIN S-video input
(andleft and rightR CA audioi nput)
Videosource (not included)
12 HDMI input Highdefinition video source (not included)
13 RJ45 Network(for web page managementand
SNMP access)
14 USB B Computer(forservice access only)
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactivew hiteboard system