onpage 46).
Powerl ight Servicelight Message
Solidamber Off Theprojectoris offbut s till receiving power(Standby
mode).Press the Power buttonon the remote control to
turnit on.
Flashinggreen Off Theprojectoris inthe powering (startup)power state. Wait
forthe projector to finish turningon.
Solidgreen Off Theprojectoris inthe operating(on) power state. Press the
Power buttonon theremote control twice to turn it off .
Flashingamber Off Theprojectoris inthe cooling power state. Wait for it t o
Off Flashingred The projectoris overheating.It coulds hut down
SeeThe “ProjectorOverheated”message appearson next
pageto troubleshootthe projector.
Off Solidred Theprojectorhas a f anis sue. It could shut down
SeeThe “Fan Failure”message appearson next pageto
Off Solidred Theprojectorhas a c olorwheel issue.
SeeThe “Color WheelFailure” message appearson page
39to troubleshoott heprojector.
Solidamber Flashingred The projectorhas a lamp issue.
SeeThe “LampFailure” messageappears on page39 to
Off Off Theprojectoris n’t receivingpower.
SeeThe projectorPower light isn’t lit onpage 39 to
Projectorerror statesSystem administratorscan solve or troubleshootthe following projector errorstates on their own prior
tocontacting SMART Support.Performingan initial troubleshootingon yourprojector will reduce the
timeof a s upportcall.
Your projectordoesn’t respond to commands
If yourprojector doesn’t respondto commands or if it starts todisplay code after you entera
command,performthe following procedure.
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system