gTo put thenew lamp module into the projector
1. Removethe new lamp modulef romits packaging.
2. Carefullyplace the lamp moduleinto the projector usingt hehandle on the top of the module.
Holdthe lamp modulev ertically andguide it into its slot.Gently press t hepower end of the
lampmodule againstthe projector to ensurethe power plug makes contact with the projector’s
Youshould be ableto place the lamp module intot heprojector easily without applying much
3. Uset hePhillips screwdriverto tighten the captive screws.
4. Carefullyreplace the lampc over.
5. Connectthe power cable to the wall outlet.
6. Pressthe Power button onceon the remote control to confirm that the projectoris operating
andthat the lamp moduleis correctlyinstalled
7. Putthe old lamp in a secure container,and handleit gentlyuntil you recycle it.
gTo finish theprojector lamp installation
1. Turnon the projector.
2. Adjustthe projector imageif necessary(see Adjusting the imageon page 19).
3. Access the service menut o resett helamp hour counter(see Resetting the lamp timer on next
4. Activate the projector’salert e-mails andlamp warnings if they’ve been deactivated(see E-mail
alertson page 53and Control panelon page 50).
CH A P T E R 5
Maintainingyour interactivew hiteboard system