Troubleshooting your interactive
whiteboard system
Correctingimagealignment issues 36
Diagnosingissues using the interactive whiteboardsystem indicators and controls 36
Interactivewhiteboard indicatorsand controls 36
Projectorlights and status 36
Projectorerrorstates 37
Yourprojectordoesn’t respondt o commands 37
The“ProjectorOverheated”mess ageappears 38
The“Fan Failure”message appears 38
The“Color Wheel Failure”message appears 39
The“LampFailure” message appears 39
TheprojectorPower light isn’t lit 39
Resolvingnetwork communication issues 40
Resolvingaudio issues 41
Resolvingvideo issues 41
Resolvingimage issues 42
Lossof signal 42
Noprojected image 42
Partial,scrolling or incorrectly displayedimage 43
Unstableor flickering image 43
Yourimage has a vertical flickering bar 44
Unalignedprojectedimage 44
Accessingt hes ervice menu 45
Retrievingyour password 46
Resettingthe projector 46
Locatingserial numbers 46
Transportingyourinteractive whiteboardsy stem 47
Thischapter provides basic troubleshootinginformationfor your interactive whiteboardsyst em.
Forissues not covered in this chapter, contact your authorizedSMART reseller
( the SMART S upportwebsite (
Chapter 6