Videoformat compatibility 23
Nativev ideoformat 23
Videoformat compatibility 23
SMART UF75projector 24
HD andSD signalformat compatibility 24
SMART UF75projector 25
Videosystem s ignalcompatibility 25
SMART UF75projector 25
Connectingperipheralsources andoutputs 25
Thischapter provides informationon integratingyour SMART Board 480i5interactive whiteboard
system with peripheraldevices.
Video format compatibility
SMART UF75projectors have a native video formatand various video format compatibility modes.
Youcan change imageappearancesfor certain formats and compatibilities.
Nativevideo format
Thefollowing table lists the native VESA R GB video formats fort heprojector.
Projector Resolution Mode Aspect
Pixel clock
SMART UF75 1024× 768 XGA 4:3 60 48 63.5
Videoformat compatibility
Thefollowing tables list the projectors’ compatibleVES A RGB video formats by resolution,w hich the
projectadjusts automatically when you use the aspect ratio commandsdescribed in Default menuon
Chapter 4