Youcan also access t heprojector’s serial numberthrought heon-screen menu.For more
information,see Informationmenu on page17.
Transporting your interactive whiteboard systemSaveyour originalSMAR T Boardinteractive whiteboard packagingso that it’s availableif you need to
transportyour interactivew hiteboardsystem. W henrequired,repack it w ith all of the original
packaging.This packagingw as designedto provide optimals hock andvibration protection. If you no
longerhavey ouroriginal packaging,purchase the same packagingdirectly from your authorized
SMART reseller(
If you preferto use your own packagingmaterials, make sure you adequatelyprotect your unit. Ship
yourinteractive whiteboardin an upright positionto deter shippers from placingheavy objects on it.
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system