lToconnect your SMART Board 480interactive whiteboard, see the SMART Board 480i5
InteractiveWhiteboard System Installation Guide(smarttech.com/kb/156695).
lToconnect accessories to your SMART Board interactive whiteboard,refer to the
documentsincludedw ith the accessories andc onsultt heSMAR T Supportwebsite
(smarttech.com/support)foradditional information.
Using your interactive whiteboardReferto the SMART Board480 Interactive WhiteboardUser’s Guide (smarttech.com/kb/156693) for
moreinformationon using your interactive whiteboard.
Whenyou connect your SMART Board interactivew hiteboardsystem to a computer with SMART
software,you can access the full capabilitiesof yourinteractive whiteboard.
Formore resources,go to smarttech.com, c lick the flag icon to the right of the SMART logo, and then
selecty ourcountry and language.In the Support section of this website, you’ll find up-to-date,
product-specificinformation,including setup instructions and specifications. The SMART Learning
Space(learningspace.smarttech.com)also has freel earningresources,hands-on lessons and
informationonhow t o get moretraining.
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactivew hiteboard system