lWhenreplacingt heprojector lamp:
oPutthe projector into Standby modeand wait 30 minutes for the lamp to cool
oDonot remove any screws other than those specified in the lampreplacement
oWearprotective eyewear while changingthe lamp. Failureto do so c ancause injuries
includingloss of eyesight if t helamp shatters or bursts.
oUseonly replacement lamps approvedby SMART Technologies. Contact your
authorizedSMART reseller(smarttech.com/wheretobuy)f orreplacement parts.
oNeverreplace the lampass emblyw ith a previously usedlamp assembly.
oAlways handlethe fragile lampass embly with care to preventprematurelamp failure or
exposureto mercury. Use gloves when touchingthe lamp. Do not touch the lamp with
oRecycle ordispose of the lamp as hazardous waste in accordancewit h local
Youneed a Phillips® No. 2 screwdriver anda f lat screwdrivert o completethese procedures.
gTo removethe old lamp
1. Pressthe Power button twice on the remotec ontrolto put the projector into Standbymode.
2. Wait at least 30 minutes fort heprojector to cool down.
3. Disconnectt hepower cable from the projector.
CH A P T E R 5
Maintainingyour interactivew hiteboard system