Thissect ionprovides detailed instructions for replacingthe projectorlamp.
Removingand replacingthe projectorlamp m odule
Eventuallythe lamp modulew ill dim, and a messagewil l appearremindingyou to replace the lamp.
Makesure you have a replacementprojectorlamp before proceedingwith the following instructions.
lReplacethe lamp when the projectordisplays its lamplife warning message. If you continue
touse the projector after this message appears,the lamp can shatter or burst, scattering
glassthroughoutt heprojector.
lIf the lamps hattersor bursts, leave and then ventilate the area.
Next dot hef ollowing:
oDonot touch the glass fragments because they can cause injury.
oWashyour hands thoroughlyif y ouhave come into contact wit h lampdebris.
oThoroughlycleanthe area aroundthe projector,and discard any edibleitems placedin
thatarea becauset hey couldbe contaminated.
oCally ourauthorizedS MART reseller(smarttech.com/wheretobuy)f orinstructions. D o
notattempt to replace the lamp.
lReplacingthe lamp in a wall-mountedprojectorc anresult in a fall or injury. Us e cautionwhen
climbinga ladder, andconsider removingthe projector from the wall-mountingbracket to
replacethe lamp.
lUncoveringthe lamp while the projectoris mounted on the wall-mountingbracket can leadt o
productdamageor personalinjury fromf allingpieces of glass if thelamp is broken.
CH A P T E R 5
Maintainingyour interactivew hiteboard system