NAT Mapping Table
This page displays the current NAPT (Network Address Port Translation) address mappings.
The NAT address mappings are listed 20 lines per page, click the control buttons to move forwards and backwards. As the NAT mapping is dynamic, a Refresh button is provided to refresh the NAT Mapping Table with the most updated values.
The content of the NAT Mapping Table is described as follows:
•Protocol - protocol of the flow.
•Local IP - local (LAN) host’s IP address for the flow.
•Local Port - local (LAN) host’s port number for the flow.
•Pseudo IP - translated IP address for the flow.
•Pseudo Port - translated port number for the flow.
•Peer IP - remote (WAN) host’s IP address for the flow.
•Peer Port - remote (WAN) host’s port number for the flow.