Special Features of Your HP DeskJet Printer
Your new HP DeskJet printer is equipped with these special features:
•Stunning photo quality through HP’s PhotoREt printing technology
•Uncompromising performance with print speeds of up to 12 pages per minute for black text and 10 pages per minute for text with color graphics
Finding More Information
This User’s Guide shows you how to operate your printer. For more information:
•Use the Quick Start Poster for installation.
•Visit an HP web site for the latest product information, troubleshooting, and printer software updates (see page 42 for web site addresses).
For Windows 95, 98, and NT 4.0 Users
•Consult the Release Notes file in the HP DeskJet 970C Series program group for information about hardware and software compatibility. To access the Release Notes, click on Start Programs
HP DeskJet 970C Series.
For Windows 2000 Professional Users
•If you are a Windows 2000 Professional user, visit HP’s web site at http://www.hp.com/cposupport/eschome.html for more information.
For Windows 3.1x Users
•Consult the Release Notes for information about hardware and software compatibility. Open this file by
For DOS Users
•If you are using DOS, information can be found in a text document
(dosread.txt). This document is on the printer software CD in the \<language code>\djcp\ directory. For example, “enu” is the language code for English, so dosread.txt is located in the \enu\djcp directory. For a list of language codes, see page 66. If you have diskettes, the file is located on the HP DeskJet Control Panel for DOS diskette.