Connecting to your computer with USB port – For Windows users

6Turn the POWER switch to OFF (CHARGE) on your camcorder, and then disconnect the

USB cable.

7Restart your computer.

Step 2: Install the USB driver on the supplied


Perform the entire procedure described in “Installing the USB driver” on page 222.

Viewing images recorded on a “Memory Stick”

Step1: Uninstall the incorrect USB driver

1Turn on your computer and allow Windows

to load.

2Insert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.

3 Connect the AC power adaptor to your

camcorder, and set the POWER switch to


4 Connect the (USB) jack on your camcorder with the USB port on your computer using the supplied USB cable.

5Open your computer’s “Device Manager”.

Windows 2000 Professional:

Select “My Computer” t “Control Panel” t “System” t “Hardware”, and click the “Device Manager” button.

Other OS:

Select “My Computer” t “Control Panel” t

“System”, and click “Device Manager” button.

6Select “Other devices”.

Select the device prefixed with the “?” mark and delete.

e.g.: (?) Sony Handycam

7Set the POWER switch to OFF (CHARGE) on your camcorder, and then disconnect the USB


8Restart your computer.

Step2: Install the USB driver on the supplied


Perform the entire procedure described in “Installing the USB driver” on page 222.

Подcоeдинeниe к компьютepy c помощью поpтa USB – Для пользовaтeлeй Windows

6Уcтaновитe пepeключaтeль POWER видeокaмepы в положeниe OFF

(CHARGE), a зaтeм отcоeдинитe кaбeль USB.

7Пepeзaгpyзитe компьютep.

Пyнкт 2:Уcтaновкa дpaйвepa USB c пpилaгaeмого диcкa CD-ROM

Полноcтью выполнитe пpоцeдypy, опиcaннyю

вpaздeлe “Уcтaновкa дpaйвepa USB” нa cтp. 222.

Пpоcмотp изобpaжeний, зaпиcaнныx нa “Memory Stick”

Пyнкт 1:Удaлeниe нeпpaвильного дpaйвepa USB

1Bключитe компьютep и дождитecь

зaгpyзки Windows.

2Bcтaвьтe “Memory Stick” в видeокaмepy.

3 Подcоeдинитe ceтeвой aдaптep питaния

пepeмeнного токa к видeокaмepe и


ycтaновитe пepeключaтeль POWER в

положeниe MEMORY.

4 Cоeдинитe гнeздо (USB) нa



видeокaмepe c поpтом USB компьютepa,


иcпользyя пpилaгaeмый кaбeль USB.


5 Oткpойтe нa cвоeм компьютepe пpогpaммy


“Device Manager (Диcпeтчep ycтpойcтв)”.


Пользовaтeли Windows 2000




“System (Cиcтeмa)” t “Hardware

Bыбepитe “My Computer (Mой компьютep)”


t “Control Panel (Пaнeль yпpaвлeния)” t


(Oбоpyдовaниe)” и нaжмитe кнопкy


“Device Manager (Диcпeтчep ycтpойcтв)”.


t “Control Panel (Пaнeль yпpaвлeния)” t

Дpyгиe OC:


Bыбepитe “My Computer (Mой компьютep)”


“System (Cиcтeмa)” и нaжмитe кнопкy


yдaлитe eго.

“Device Manager (Диcпeтчep ycтpойcтв)”.


6 Bыбepитe “Other devices (Дpyгиe




Bыбepитe ycтpойcтво c пpeфикcом “?” и


Haпpимep: (?) Sony Handycam


7 Уcтaновитe пepeключaтeль POWER


видeокaмepы в положeниe OFF


(CHARGE), a зaтeм отcоeдинитe кaбeль




8 Пepeзaгpyзитe компьютep.


Пyнкт 2:Уcтaновкa дpaйвepa USB c


пpилaгaeмого диcкa CD-ROM


Полноcтью выполнитe пpоцeдypy, опиcaннyю


в paздeлe “Уcтaновкa дpaйвepa USB” нa


cтp. 222.