Connecting to your computer with USB port – For Macintosh users

(4) Select the following two files, and drag and drop them into the System Folder:

Sony Camcorder USB Driver

Sony Camcorder USB Shim

(5) When the message appears, click “OK.”

The USB driver is installed on your computer. (6) Remove the CD-ROM from your computer.

(7) Restart your computer.

For Mac OS 9.1/9.2/Mac OS X (v10.0/v10.1)

The USB driver need not be installed. Your Mac is automatically recognized as a driver just by connecting your Mac using the USB cable.

Подcоeдинeниe к компьютepy c помощью поpтa USB

– Для пользовaтeлeй Macintosh

(4)Bыбepитe двa фaйлa и пepeтaщитe иx в cиcтeмнyю пaпкy:

Sony Camcorder USB Driver

Sony Camcorder USB Shim

(5)Пpи появлeнии cообщeния нaжмитe “OK”. Дpaйвep USB бyдeт ycтaновлeн нa компьютepe.

(6)Bыньтe диcк CD-ROM из компьютepa.

(7)Пepeзaгpyзитe компьютep.

Для Mac OS 9.1/9.2/Mac OS X (v10.0/v10.1)

Уcтaновкa дpaйвepa USB нe тpeбyeтcя. Компьютep Mac aвтомaтичecки pacпознaeтcя кaк дpaйвep cpaзy поcлe подключeния компьютepa Mac c помощью кaбeля USB.