e) Specify the packet size.
Address | Action | Data |
F1000140h | Read | 02800140h | Unit = 320, Max = 640 |
This camera is designed so that Unit is the minimum Frame Rate and Max is the maximum Frame Rate.
Set a value which is the integral multiple of the Unit and at the same time does not exceed the maximum value for the packet size.
Address | Action | Data |
F1000144h | Write | 02800000h | Packet size = 640 |
The range of isochronous transmission is determined by the packet size.
NOTE : When ImagePosition/ImageSize/ColorCodingID are set at step d), the camera recalculates and reflects the contents of CSR F1000140h PacketParaInq register.
If set so that the packet size is changed, be sure to perform this procedure.
f)Acquire the TotalBytes.
Address | Action | Data |
F1000138h | Read | 00096000h | Lower 32 bits |
F100013Ch | Read | 00000000h | Upper 32 bits |
Image data size sent by the camera. For application softwares, secure a buffer of this size and prepare to receive data transmitted isochronously.
(6)Video transmission start command (Format7)
When the following values are set for Status and Control registers for camera, the camera starts video transmission.
Address | Action | Data |
F0F00604h | Write | 00000000H | Video Mode = 0 |
F0F00608h | Write | E0000000H | Video Format = 7 |
F0F0060Ch | Write | 12000000H | ISO ch = 1, Speed = 400M bps |
F0F00614h | Write | 80000000H | ISO Enable ON |
To stop the video, set the ISO Enable bit to 0.
Address | Action | Data |
F0F00614H | Write | 00000000H | ISO Enable OFF |
As there is no concept for the frame rate for Format7, the specification of CSR F0F00600h FrameRate will be ineffective.