
12.4.5 Enabling the A/D Interrup tThe A/D converter can set the A/D interrupt pending bit when it completes a conversion or whenthe input voltage cross es the threshold value i n the selected direction. To enable the interrupt, setthe corresponding mask bit in the interrupt mask register (see Table 12-2 on page 12-2) and exe-cute the EI instruction t o globally enable servicing of interrupts. The A/D interrupt can cause thePTS to begin a new conversion. See Chapter 5, “Standard and PTS Interrupts,” for details aboutinterrupts and a description of using the PTS in A/D scan mode.
Reset State: 1FACH
The A/D command (AD_COMMAND) register selects the A/D channel number to be converte d,
controls whether the A/D con verter starts immediately or with an EPA command, and selects the
conversion mode.
7 0
Number Bit
Mnemonic Function
7 Reserved; for compatibility with future devices, write zeros to these bits.
6:5 M1:0 A/D Mode†
These bits determine the A/D mode.
M1 M0 Mode
0 0 10-bit conversion
0 1 8-bit conversion
1 0 threshold detect high
1 1 threshold detect low
4 GO A/D Conversion Trigger††
Writing this bit arms the A/D converter. The value that you write to it
determines at what point a co nversion is to start.
0 = EPA initiates conversion
1 = start immediately
3:0 ACH3:0 A/D Channel Selection
Write the A/D conversion channel number to these bits.
While a threshold-detecti on mode is selected fo r an analog input pin, n o other conversion can b e
started. If another value is l oaded into AD_COMMAND, th e threshold-detection mode is di sabled
and the new command is executed.
†† It is the act of writing to the GO bit, rather than its value, that starts a conversion. Even if the GO bit
has the desired value, you must set it again to start a conversion immediately or clear it again to
arm it for an EPA-initiated conversion.

Figure 12-5. A/D Command (AD_COMMAND) Register