

4 Page (2 × 2) To divide one page of printing data and print the results on four sheets.

9 Page (3 × 3) To divide one page of printing data and print the results on nine sheets.

16 Page (4 × 4) To divide one page of printing data and print the results on 16 sheets.

Using the Help Window

On the Printing Preferences dialog box, you can display a description of functions or operation methods using the help window.

To display the Printing Preferences dialog box, see “Displaying the Print Preferences Dialog Box from a Software Application” on page 15 or “Displaying the Printing Preferences Dialog Box from the Windows Start Menu” on page 15.

Displaying the Description of Functions of Setting Items

1 Click [?] at the right top on the Printing Preferences dialog box.

The pointer changes to a?.

[?] button

5 Click the [OK] button. The poster setting is saved.

2 Click the setting item whose function you want to know about.

A popup window describing the function of the setting item appears.

3 Click any point on the window to close the popup window.

22 Using the Help Window