Specify the bitmap file to be used, and then click the [Open] button.
Specify the bitmap file.
•You cannot register the same stamp name twice.
•The number of bitmap files that you can register is not limited.
•You can register and use are 1, 4, 8 and 24 bit bitmap data.
7 Click the [OK] button on the Stamp window.
8 Click the [OK] button on the Printing Preferences dialog box.
The settings for a new stamp entry is saved.
Embedding a stamp character string
Seven kinds of stamps such as “CONFIDENTIAL”, “URGENT”, “DRAFT”, “TENTATIVE”, “SAMPLE”, “INFORMATIVE” and “PROPOSAL” are registered already. You can add other character strings as stamps.
1 Click the [Function] tab on the Printing Preferences dialog box.
2 Click [Stamp Setting...].
[Stamp Setting...] button
The Stamp dialog box appears.
3 Place a check mark in the [Embedding Stamp] box, and then click the [Text] radio button.
Place a check mark in the [Embedding Stamp].
Select [Text].
4 Select the stamp character string to be embedded.
Useful Functions 29