7 Click the [OK] button on the Printing Preferences dialog box.

The settings for the stamp character string to be embedded are saved.

Embedding graphic data (bitmap file) as a stamp

You can use a bitmap file as a stamp by specifying a bitmap file.

1 Click the [Function] tab on the Printing Preferences dialog box.

2 Click [Stamp Setting...].

[Stamp Setting...] button

The Stamp dialog box appears.

3 Place a check mark in the [Embedding Stamp] box, and then click the [Bitmap] radio button.

Place a check mark in the [Embedding Stamp].

Select [Bitmap].

4 Select the stamp name corresponding to the bitmap file which you want to be embedded.

Click [V] at the right of the list and select the desired stamp name of the graphics data to be embedded from the list.

Click [V].

You can embed a new graphic.

For detailed information on how to add a new graphic stamp, see “Adding new stamps” on page 27.


Useful Functions 31