Center marker
A cross that indicates the center of the image on the viewfinder screen.
Control signal in the form of regular pulses recorded along a longitudinal track on the video tape. By counting these pulses, it is possible to determine the number of frames, and hence the tape running time. Used mainly to adjust the tracking position of video heads, and to achieve time code continuity in continuous recording.
Color bar signal
A test signal that can be displayed as vertical bars of different colors on a color video monitor. This signal is used to check chrominance functions of color television and video systems such as cameras and monitors.
Color temperature
The temperature in Kelvins (K) to represent the color of a light source, A determined by heating a perfectly black body until its color matches that
of the light source. Color temperature is higher when the color is bluish and lower when reddish.
Moisture condensation on the VTR tape transport mechanism. Condensation on the head drum causes the tape to stick to the drum, resulting in damage to the tape and a malfunction of the VTR.