1TALLY indicator
Setting the TALLY switch to HIGH or LOW activates this indicator. The indicator lights during recording on the VTR. It also provides the same
2 information as the REC indicator in the viewfinder; it lights up during recording and flashes to indicate a problem. The brightness of this indicator when it is lit can be controlled by the TALLY switch.
2TALLY switch
This switch controls the TALLY indicator, setting its brightness (HIGH or LOW) or turning it off.
HIGH: The TALLY indicator gets brighter.
OFF: The TALLY indicator does not operate.
LOW: The TALLY indicator gets dimmer.
Pressing this button when the VTR is stopped switches the camcorder to
To exit from
For more information, refer to the Maintenance Manual.
4BACK TALLY indicator
This indicator functions exactly the same way as the front tally indicator when the BACK TALLY switch is set to ON.
5BACK TALLY switch
This switch enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the operation of the BACK TALLY indicator.
ON: Enables the BACK TALLY indicator operation
OFF: Disables the BACK TALLY indicator operation