Section 2A
Phone Basics
In This Section
♦YourPhone(page 13)
♦Viewing theDisplay Screen(page 16)
♦FeaturesofYourPhone(page 19)
♦TurningYour PhoneOnand Off(page 21)
♦UsingYour Phone’s Batteryand Charger(page 22)
♦NavigatingThrough Phone Menus(page 25)
♦DisplayingYour Phone Number(page 26)
♦Making and Answering Calls(page 27)
♦EnteringText (page 40)
Yourphone ispackedwith features thatsimplify yourlife andexpandyour abilityto stay connected to thepeople and information thatare importantto you.This section will guide you through the basic functions and calling features of your phone.