Sets the right margin at column rl in the current character pitch (pica
pitch if proportional spacing is currently selected). Column II becomes
the last character position in the line. The right margin does not move
if the character pitch is changed later. The right margin must be within
the limits below:
Pica 4snj80
Elite 5jnj96
Semi-condensed 6 5 n i 120
Condensed pica 7 sn 5 137
Condensed elite 84n5 160
Expanded pica 2snj40
Expanded elite 3snj48
Expanded semi-condensed 3sns60
Expanded condensed pica 4snn68
Expanded condensed elite 4jnj80
Set left and right margins
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> “x” nl n2 I27 88 nl n2 1 IB 58 nl n2
Sets the left margin at column nl and the right margin at column n.?.
See the preceding commands for margin restrictions and other notes.
Carriage return
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both (CR> 13 OD
Prints the current line and returns the next print position to the left margin.
If DIP switch l-8 is ON, also performs a line feed.
Set automatic line feed
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
IBM <ESC> 5 Cl> 27 53 1 1B 35 01
Causes the printer to perform both a carriage return and line feed each
time it receives a < CR > code. This command takes priority over DIP
switch l-8.
Cancel automatic line feed
1 Mode 1 ASCII I Decimal I Hexadecimal I
IBM <ESC> 5 co> 27 53 0 IB 35 00 I
Causes the printer to perform only a carriage return when it receives a
< CR > code. This command takes priority over DIP switch 1-8.