Chapter 1 Troubleshooting Overview 1-21
NAS, monitors the status of RAID devices, UPSs, file systems, head units, enclosure
subsystems, and environmental variables. Monitoring and error messages vary
depending on model and configuration.
In the tables in this section, table columns with no entries have been deleted.
About SysMon Error Notification
SysMon, the monitoring thread in the Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS, captures events
generated as a result of subsystem errors. It then takes the appropriate action of
sending an e-mail, notifying the SNMP server, displaying the error on the LCD
panel, writing an error message to the system log, or some combination of these
actions. E-mail notification and the system log include the time of the event.
Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Error Messages
The following sections show error messages for the Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS UPS, file
system usage, and the PEMS.