6Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide February 2001
2. Insert the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Driver 1.0 CD into a CD-ROM drive that is
connected to your system.
If your system is running Sun Enterprise VolumeManager™, it should
automatically mount the CD-ROM to the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory.
If your system is not running VolumeManager, mount the CD-ROM as follows:
Youwill see the following files and directories in the
/cdrom/GigaSwiftEthernet directory or the
/cdrom/cdrom0 directory,depending on how you mounted the CD-ROM.
Note – If you intend to use VLAN, you must install VLAN packages when you
install the GigaSwift Ethernet software packages.
#mkdir /cdrom
#mkdir /cdrom/cdrom0
#mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /cdrom/cdrom0
TABLE2-1 Files and Directories on the CD-ROM
Fileor Directory Contents
Copyright U.S. copyright file
FR_Copyright Frenchcopyright file
Docs/ Contains PDF copy of the user manual
Contains the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet software packages
applicableto your version (OS-VER) of the Solaris software
• SUNWcea—32-bit adb macros
• SUNWceax—64-bit adb macros
• SUNWced—32-bit adapter driver
• SUNWcedx—64-bit adapter driver
• SUNWcedu—adapter driver headers
• SUNWcem—man pages (optional)
The optional VLAN packages for Solaris 8 only
• SUNWvld—VLAN utility routines
• SUNWvldx—VLAN utility routines (64-bit)
• SUNWvldu—VLAN utility headers