▼To Disable Autonegotiation Mode
If your network equipment does not support autonegotiation, or if you want to specify your network speed, you can set autonegotiation to off on the ce device.
1.Set the following driver parameters to the values that are described in the documentation that shipped with your link partner (for example, a switch):
2.Set the adv_autoneg_cap parameter to 0.
When you change any ndd link parameter, a message similar to the following appears:
xcvr addr:0x00 - link up 1000 Mbps half duplex
Setting Parameters Using the ce.conf File
You can also specify the driver parameter properties on a
The man pages for prtconf(1M) and driver.conf(4) include additional details. The next procedure shows an example of setting parameters in a ce.conf file.
Chapter 4 Configuring Driver Parameters 37