24 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide February 2001
10. After installing the Solaris operating environment, install the Sun GigaSwift
Ethernet software on the client system.
The software installed in Step4 was required to boot the client system over the
GigaSwift Ethernet interface. Younow need to install the software in order for the
operating system to use the client’s GigaSwift Ethernet interfaces in normal
Before installing the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet software, make sure that the client
system does not already have the software installed. Use the pkginfo command to
see if the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet software packages are installed on the client
If the software is installed (as shown in the example above), skip to Step 11.
If the software is not installed, install the software from Solaris Supplement CD.
Refer to “Installing the Driver Software” on page5 for instructions on installing
the required software packages.
11. Confirm that the network host fileshave been configured correctly during the
Solaris installation.
Although the Solaris software installation creates the client’s network configuration
files, you may need to edit these files to match your specificnetworking
environment. See “Configuring the Network Host Files” on page17 for more
information about editing these files.
#pkginfo | grep SUNWce
system SUNWced Sun Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Driver
system SUNWcem Sun Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Driver Man Pages
system SUNWcedu Sun Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Driver Headers