C H A P T E R 4
Fan Service Procedures
This chapter describes procedures for servicing the fans on the fabric cards. Topics include:
■Section 4.1 “Troubleshooting Fans” on page 4-1
■Section 4.2 “Removing Fans” on page 4-1
■Section 4.3 “Installing Fans” on page 4-2
Commands described in this chapter are executed at the management console. See the Sun Datacenter Switch 3456 Administration Guide for more information about these commands.
4.1Troubleshooting Fans
Each fan has a status LED that flashes when a fan has failed. Additionally, the checkfans and getfans commands can provide some information.
4.2Removing Fans
▼Removing a Fan
Note – Fans are hot swappable and do not require powering off for removal.