Event Logging
This setting allows you to Enable or Disable event logging.
ECC Event Logging
This setting allows you to Enable or Disable ECC event logging.
Mark DMI Events as Read
Highlight this item and press <Enter> to mark the DMI events as read.
Clear All DMI Event Logs
Select Yes and press <Enter> to clear all DMI event logs. The options are Yes and No.
Console Redirection
Access the submenu to make changes to the following settings.
COM Port Address
This item allows you to specifi es to redirect the console to Onboard COM A or Onboard COM B. This setting can also be Disabled.
This item allows you to select the BAUD rate for console redirection. The options are 300, 1200, 2400, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 57.6K and 115.2K.
Console Type
This item allows you to choose from the available options to select the console type for console redirection. The options are VT100, VT100,8bit,
Flow Control
This item allows you to choose from the available options to select the fl ow control for console redirection. The options are: None, XON/XOFF, and CTS/RTS.
Console Connection
This item allows you to choose select the console connection: either Direct or Via Modem.
Continue CR after POST
Choose whether to continue with console redirection after the POST routine. The options are On and Off.