C7Z87-OCE User’s Manual
Thunderbolt Interface
This motherboard supports one Thunderbolt
interface on the backpanel. A Thunderbolt
interface is a hardware interface that allows
peripherals to be connected to the mother-
board at transfer speeds of up to 10Gbit/s.
This port combines a PCIe and a DisplayPort
into one serial signal.
A. Thunderbolt Interface
B. CMOS Reset Button (Backpanel)
C. CMOS Reset Pads (JBT1) Onboard)
D. CMOS Reset Button (Onboard)
CMOS Reset/Clear
This motherboard supports three momen-
tary hardware switches to clear or reset the
CMOS memory back to its default values.
These switches are located at different
locations on the motherboard for maximum
convenience. The switches located at A
and B are momentary push buttons while C
(JBT1) is made up of two contact pads that
need to be shorted with a metallic obect (i.e.,
screwdriver, etc).