2. Cabinet Installation



WARNING! Fiber cables transmit invisible infrared light. To avoid eye damage or blindness, never look directly into fibers or connectors.

WARNUNG! Faserkabel übertragen unsichtbares Infrarotlicht. Um eine Schädigung der Augen oder Blindheit zu vermeiden, schauen Sie nicht direkt in die Fasern oder Stecker.

ADVERTENCIA ! Los cables de fibra transmiten luz láser o infrarroja invisible. Para evitar lesiones oculares o ceguera, nunca mire directamente a las fibras o conectores.

AVERTISSMENT ! Les câbles à fibres transmettent un rayon laser ou une lumière infrarouge invisible. Pour éviter toute lésion occulaire ou cécité, ne regardez jamais directement dans les fibres ou dans les connecteurs.


ALERT! This product must be installed and maintained only by qualified technicians.


ALERT! These instructions presume you have verified that the Telect equipment being installed is compatible with the rest of the system, including power, ground, circuit protection, signal characteristics, equipment from other vendors, and local codes or ordinances.


Location & Layout —

Use the floor template (isolation pad), or the following illustration, to lay out and construct a re-enforced concrete pad, grating, or other suitable, stable platform to accommodate the cabinet, anchorage, and cabling. Concrete pads must be at least 6 in. (~150 mm) thick.

Telect does not include an anchor kit or a vault-to-cabinet adapter with the cabinet. Order Telect’s seismic anchor kit (Model MDC-CBAK) for either indoor or outdoor deployment on concrete. (See “Standard Accessories” Page 7-1.) Model MDC-CBAK is an expansion-style anchor requiring drilling into the pad; also acceptable are embed L-shaped anchors with ½ in. (M12) threads, available at appropriate hardware or specialty stores.

Telect, Inc. • USA +1.509.926.6000 • Mexico + Poland +1.48.713.239.100 • UK +1.44.1489.889500 • www.telect.com Copyright © 2002 Telect, Inc., All Rights Reserved • Telect Publication 131220 A0