4. Cabling With In-Cabinet Splicing


WARNING! Fiber cables transmit invisible infrared light. To avoid eye damage or blindness, never look directly into fibers or connectors.

WARNUNG! Faserkabel übertragen unsichtbares Infrarotlicht. Um eine Schädigung der Augen oder Blindheit zu vermeiden, schauen Sie nicht direkt in die Fasern oder Stecker.

ADVERTENCIA ! Los cables de fibra transmiten luz láser o infrarroja invisible. Para evitar lesiones oculares o ceguera, nunca mire directamente a las fibras o conectores.

AVERTISSMENT ! Les câbles à fibres transmettent un rayon laser ou une lumière infrarouge invisible. Pour éviter toute lésion occulaire ou cécité, ne regardez jamais directement dans les fibres ou dans les connecteurs.

Fiber installation with on-board cabinet splicing involves installing Telect’s optional splice box and distribution patch modules in the rear compartment of the MDC-CB. The feeder and distribution cables are secured to the floor of the rear com- partment. The installer routes the fiber breakout to the splice box where it’s spliced to connectorized fiber. In turn, connectorized feeder and distribution fiber is routed and then terminated to the compartment interface adapters and distribution patch modules.


Install the Model MDC-SPLC Splice Box on the inside of the rear door using the hardware provided, as shown in the following illus- tration. (See “Accessories” Page 7-3.)


The Model MDC-P72N Patch Module is installed from and secured to the rear compartment. (See “Accessories” Page 7-3.)

To install, swing out the hinged bulkhead from the patch module’s anchor plate so that the bulkhead fits through rack and into front compartment. (See the illustration on Page 4-3.) Then, secure anchor plate to partition wall using three acorn nuts provided. In the front compartment, secure patch module swing-out door.

Install all intended patch modules before installing any cable.

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