3. Cabling Without In-Cabinet Splicing


WARNING! Fiber cables transmit invisible infrared light. To avoid eye damage or blindness, never look directly into fibers or connectors.

WARNUNG! Faserkabel übertragen unsichtbares Infrarotlicht. Um eine Schädigung der Augen oder Blindheit zu vermeiden, schauen Sie nicht direkt in die Fasern oder Stecker.

ADVERTENCIA ! Los cables de fibra transmiten luz láser o infrarroja invisible. Para evitar lesiones oculares o ceguera, nunca mire directamente a las fibras o conectores.

AVERTISSMENT ! Les câbles à fibres transmettent un rayon laser ou une lumière infrarouge invisible. Pour éviter toute lésion occulaire ou cécité, ne regardez jamais directement dans les fibres ou dans les connecteurs.

Fiber installation without in-cabinet splicing involves installing connectorized OSP feeder cables to the floor of the cabi- net’s rear compartment and then terminating those connectors at compartment interface adapters near the top of the cab- inet. The connectorized distribution cabling is pre-terminated to the patch module assemblies at the factory. These optional patch module assemblies are secured to the cabinet partition. The distribution cables, like the feeder cables, are secured to the bottom floor of the rear compartment.

After installing all feeder and distribution cables at the cabinet end, the opposite ends are then spliced to OSP cables located in a splice enclosure.


The cabinet accommodates up to 16 strands of connectorized OSP feeder cable. Telect supplies two cable clamps that accommodate cables between 3/8 in. (9.6 mm) and 11/5 in. (30.5 mm) in diameter. Each clamp, shown on the right, uses several layers of gasket or bushing leaves to hold the cable fast between the two halves of the clamp.

OSP cable can be dry or wet, armored or unarmored. To connect to adapters in the cabinet the cable needs SC/APC connectors.

To install a feeder cable, proceed as follows:

1.Open rear door.

2.Remove cable entrance dock at bottom of cabinet by removing six sets of nuts and washers shown in the following illustrations.

The cable entrance dock contains eight slots with slide-out cover plates. Each slots can accommodate two cable clamps for either feeder or dis- tribution cable.

3.Slide out cover plate over feeder stub up.

Leaves are provided in an onion skin roll to accommodate multifiber cabling from .375 in. to 1.25 in. (9.5 mm to 32 mm) in dia

OSP Cable

Bushing Leaves

If all feeder cable enters through the stub up closest to the feeder tie-down wall, choose the slot nearest the tie-down wall. If a second feeder cable is being installed, prefer to locate both in the same slot.

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