Teledyne API Model 200AH NOX Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2 9-7 Table 9-1: Test Functions (Continued)
Test Function Factory Set-Up Comment
(Option) 50°C 2 Temperature of the oven that houses the optional O2 sensor and the
sample flow orifice. Should be 50°C except when the instrument is
warming up.
O3KL TEMP 700°C 10°C
315°C 5°C
200 10°C
The CPU controls the converter temp to 700°C. After cold start it
requires about 30 min to come to temperature. After temperature is
reached, it should not vary more than 10°C. See Section 9.3.4 for
troubleshooting. Warning limits are < 690°C and > 720°C.
The M200AH can be equipped with a molybdenum converter as an
option. The troubleshooting is the same as listed above except the
warning limits are <290°C and > 320°C.
If the M200AH is equipped with the M501 external converter
option, the converter housing is equipped with a heater to warm the
ozone killer catalyst to 200°C.
RCEL PRESS 3 – 10 “-Hg-A
(Thomas 607) RCEL is the pressure in the Reaction Cell. The instrument is very
sensitive to variations in reaction cell pressure. 10% change in
output per 1"Hg pressure is typical. Higher altitudes will decrease
cell pressure due to lower pump back pressure. Pressures higher
than the acceptable range will decrease instrument sensitivity and
increase noise.
SAMP PRESS 29.5"Hg at sea
level The sample pressure is taken upstream of the reaction cell. It
usually runs about 0.5" less than ambient pressure due to the
restrictions in the sample intake tubing. Sample pressure should be
within 1"Hg of atmospheric pressure. The pressure sensor used
reports absolute pressure and therefore is sensitive to altitude,
weather fronts, and room air conditioning. Change due to altitude is
about 1" per
1000 ft., other changes are 0.4" maximum. Pressurizing the
sample inlet will cause the M200AH to be noisy and to shift its
SLOPE 1.0 0.3 NO, NOx and O2 SLOPE. The slope is a software gain factor used
to calibrate the analyzer. When the instrument is span calibrated,
this parameter is set so the analyzer front panel and analog output
show the expected span gas concentration. There can be 2 values
for SLOPE if AutoRange is enabled.
OFFSET 0 25 NO, NOx and O2 OFFSET. The offset is used to zero the analyzer.
When the instrument is zeroed, the offset term is set so the
concentration reads 0 ppm. There can be 2 values for OFFSET if
AutoRange is enabled.
TIME This is the time of day clock readout. It is used to time the AutoCal
cycles. The speed of the clock can be adjusted by the CLOCK_ADJ
variable in the VARS menu. The clock can be set via SETUP-
CLOCK-TIME from the front panel.