Teledyne API Model 200AH NOX Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2
Enter the expected NOx and NO span gas concentrations:
Table 7-3: Enter Expected Span Gas Concentrations Procedure
Step Number Action Comment
1. Check “Before
Calibration” Check “Before Calibration” Section 7 before proceeding.
2. Press
This key sequence causes the M200AH to prompt for the
expected NOX concentration.
Enter the NOX span concentration value by pressing the key
under each digit until the expected value is set. This menu
can also be entered from CALS or CALZ.
3. Press ENTR Pressing ENTR stores the NO span value and returns the
prompt to the CONC menu.
4. Press
CAL-CONC-NO This key sequence causes the M200AH to prompt for the
expected NO concentration.
Enter the NO span concentration value by pressing the key
under each digit until the expected value is set. This menu
can also be entered from CALS or CALZ
5. Press ENTR Pressing ENTR stores the NO span value and returns the
prompt to the CONC menu.
6. Press EXIT Returns instrument to SAMPLE mode.
If desired, compensation for converter efficiency (CE) can be included in the NOx and NO2
concentration calculation. The CE must be entered prior to calibration. Refer to Section 7.10 for
the CE procedure.