Teledyne API Model 200AH NOX Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2 9-13 Table 9-4: Diagnostic Mode - Signal I/O (Continued)
No. Signal Control Description
11 OPTIC_TEST YES Turns on optic test bit in preamp. Should be used for
troubleshooting Preamp logic lines. We recommend
you use the OT button in the DIAG menu to operate
optic test.
12 BROWNOUT_RESET YES Brownout reset works in conjunction with
the CPU sends a signal to reset the display and clear
13 CONV_HEATER NO Shows the status of the converter heater. This has the
same function as the LED in the PSM.
14 O3GEN_STATUS YES Switches power to the ozone generator. Can be used to
force the ozone generator to turn on.
15 ST_LOW_SPAN_CAL YES Status Bit - state of the low concentration span valve
Logic high = valve open to admin span gas
Logic low = valve closed
16 AUTOZERO_VALVE YES Switches the AutoZero valve. Use this bit to test the
valve function.
17 ST_RCELL_PRESS YES Status Bit - Reaction Cell Pressure alarm
Logic high = pressure out of acceptable range
Logic low = pressure inside acceptable range
18 PREAMP_RANGE_HI YES Switches the preamp hardware range. Standard ranges
are 500 and 5,000 ppm. Logic high = 5,000 ppm; logic
low = 500 ppm. M200AH will reset range to correct
value based on user set range value.
20 ST_ZERO_CAL YES Status Bit - Zero Calibration mode
Logic high = M200AH in Zero cal mode
Logic low = Not in Zero cal mode
21 ST_SPAN_CAL YES Status Bit - Span Calibration mode
Logic high = M200AH in Span cal mode
Logic low = Not in Span cal mode
(table continued)