Teledyne API Model 200AH NOX Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2
Common faults in the ozone generator are:
1. A leak or some other failure in the drier will let ambient air into the generator. There is
enough water vapor in room air to cause the generator to make nitric acid aerosol. It is very
corrosive and causes the generator cartridge to short out, and plug up due to salt build-up.
This reduces the ozone concentration generated, which can cause the analyzer to be non-
linear due to insufficient ozone concentration. Also, the nitric acid can destroy parts down
stream of the generator.
2. Contaminated ozone generator cartridge. Disconnect fittings and run water through the
cartridge to clean.
3. Failure of the driver board.
Table 9-11: Ozone Generator Control Conditions
Condition Description Ozone Generator
1 Manual override off (SETUP-MORE-DIAG-OZONE GEN). OFF
2 Manual override on. ON
3 Ozone flow below low warning limit for 5 minutes
(OFLOW_SET setup variable). OFF
4 Instrument powered on for more than 30 minutes. ON
5 Instrument powered off for less than 1 hour and ozone
generator was on when instrument was powered off. ON
6 Ozone flow above low warning limit for 0.5 minutes and
condition 4 or 5 is true. ON
The ozone generator is independently controlled in the SIGNAL I/O, OPTIC
TEST, and ELECTRICAL TEST diagnostics. After exiting these diagnostics,
the ozone generator is restored to the state specified by the above conditions.