Teledyne API Model 200AH NOX Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2
This is the most common mode of operation. It provides continuous output of NO, NOX and NO2
gas concentrations. To select switching mode press SETUP-MORE-VARS-ENTR and press
NEXT to scroll to the MEASURE-MODE variable. Set the value of this variable to NO NOX,
then press ENTR. Press EXIT to return to SAMPLE mode.
5.4.2. NOX Only Mode
In this mode only NOX is measured. The converter is in the sample stream continuously. The
output of the detector is sampled continuously. Since only NOX is being measured, there are 2
advantages to this mode. First, it is possible to optimize for shortest response time. Second, NOX
is being continuously measured so that short transient events can be captured.
It is not possible to apply converter efficiency compensation to the NOX reading.
The NOX reading is composed of a NO component and a NO2 component. The NO2 component
is the only one impacted by the converter efficiency, and since the instrument is always in NOX
mode it is not possible to know the fraction of the NOX reading that is NO2.
To select NOX only mode press SETUP-MORE-VARS and press NEXT to scroll to the
MON_MODE variable. Set the value to NOX, then press ENTR. Press EXIT to return to
SAMPLE mode.
5.4.3. NO Only Mode
In this mode only NO is measured. The converter is always out of the sample stream. The output
of the detector is sampled continuously. Since only NO is being measured, there are 2
advantages to this mode. First, it is possible to optimize for shortest response time. Second, NO
is being continuously measured so that short transient events can be captured.
To select switching mode press SETUP-MORE-VARS and press NEXT to scroll to the
MON_MODE variable. Set the value of this variable to NO, then press ENTR. Press EXIT to
return to SAMPLE mode.