Teledyne API Model 200AH NOX Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2 9-15 Table 9-4: Diagnostic Mode - Signal I/O (Continued)
No. Signal Control Description
33 PMT_TEMP NO PMT cold block temperature. Typically 4300 mV for
34 DCPS_VOLTAGE NO DC power supply composite voltage output. Typically
2500 mV.
35 RCELL_PRESS NO Reaction Cell Pressure in mV. Typically 1270 mV for
5" Hg-A at sea level. Is an absolute pressure so higher
values means higher absolute pressures.
36 OZONE_FLOW NO Ozone flowmeter voltage. Typically 3200 mV at
250 cc/min.
37 CONV_TEMP NO Converter temp. Typically XXXX mV at 700°C
38 HVPS_VOLTAGE NO HVPS programming voltage. Output of HVPS is
1000x value present. 700 mV = 700 VDC output.
39 DAC_CHAN_0 NO Output of NOX channel in mV.
40 DAC_CHAN_1 NO Output of NO channel in mV.
41 DAC_CHAN_2 NO Output of NO2 channel in mV.
42 DAC_CHAN_3 NO Test Channel output. Also second NOX output.
43 NOX_CONC YES NOX DAC programming voltage. The following 3
signals can be set to output specific voltages to each
DAC. Use in conjunction to ANALOG OUTPUT test
to check each DAC output channel. The value keyed
in should appear on the appropriate analog output
channel. This value overrides data being written from
the analyzer. Value reverts to instrument output when
function is exited.
44 NO_CONC YES NO DAC programming voltage. See above for
45 NO2_CONC YES NO2 DAC programming voltage. See above for
46 TEST_OUTPUT NO Displays voltage of selected analog signal.