Teledyne API Model 200AH NOX Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2 2-9 Step 2 - Calibrate the instrument for NOX: Zero/Span Calibration Procedure
Step For Units w/o
O2 Option For Units with
O2 Option Comment
1. Input NOX Zero gas Input NOX Zero gas Allow Zero gas to enter the sample port on
the rear of the instrument.
2. Press CAL Press CAL-NOX The M200AH enters the calibrate mode from
sample mode.
3. Wait 10 min Wait 10 min Wait for reading to stabilize at the zero value.
If you wait less than 10 minutes the final zero
value may drift.
4. Press ZERO Press ZERO The ZERO button will be displayed.
5. Press ENTR Press ENTR Pressing ENTR actually changes the
equations and zeros the instrument.
6. Press EXIT and
input NOX Span gas Press EXIT and
input NOX Span gas M200AH returns to the CAL menu. Now
switch gas streams to span gas.
7. Wait 10 min Wait 10 min Wait for reading to stabilize at the span
8. Press SPAN Press SPAN The SPAN button should be displayed. If
there is no SPAN button check the
Troubleshooting Section 9.2.8 for
instructions on how to proceed. In certain
circumstances at low span gas concentrations
both the ZERO and SPAN buttons will
9. Press ENTR Press ENTR Pressing ENTR actually changes the
equations so that the concentration displayed
is the same as the expected span
concentration you entered above, thus
spanning the instrument.
10. Press EXIT Press EXIT Pressing EXIT returns the instrument to
SAMPLE mode.
11. Input O2 Zero gas Allow Zero gas to enter the sample port on
the rear of the instrument.
12. Press CAL-O2 The M200AH enters the calibrate mode from
sample mode.
(table continued)